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10 Ways Successful People Think Differently than Others

Successful creatives always think differently than others, and that’s what makes them maintain what they want. Einstein says that if you want to succeed with a failed experiment, you shouldn’t repeat it over and over again hoping for different results, you certainly have to be different to achieve what others haven’t.

1. They are very specific:

Successful people are characterized by their ability to set goals, so instead of saying I want to cut down on sleep or I want to lose weight; he sets the goal right away so he thinks about it as if I’m asleep at 9:30 or I want to lose 10 kilos so I’ll eat a salad or walk before dinner.

As for work, they set the goal as follows: I have to come to 5 new clients this week.

The above means that you need to set goals in the form of an action plan that you implement immediately, don’t set a goal at all, and then think about the next steps.

2. They think about minutes when they are setting their schedule.

They do not say that a day contains 24 hours, but that a day contains 1440 minutes. Successful people try to reduce as many places as possible to lose a minute during the day of what doesn’t work. For example, Mark Zuckerberg wears the same clothes every day to save the number of minutes each day that his mind could take to think about what to wear.

3. They know the team is winning

Michael Jordan – a famous basketball player – says that the strength of a team lies in the strength of each member and the strength of each team member.

Successful creatives always seek cooperation so that each team member fills in the weakness of others, thus strengthening the team as a whole. This is another good point of view of cooperation among team members, so if you want to be a successful programmer, it is best to join a community that contains programmers. You want to become independent. You’d be better off joining a successful freelance community

4. They are constantly learning

Successful individuals always take time to read, attend seminars, workshops and watch webinars, and know that skill improvement and development are essential to success.

If Bill Gates, Warren Baffin and Opira Winfrey found time to read, so can you. You can read a book before bed or take a break for lunch. You can carry a paper book or an e-book on the phone and it will help you a lot.

5. They develop their emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is important for successful people because it teaches them how to manage their surroundings. It is part of their success and helps them solve problems and find new ideas while relaxing. Even if you don’t have great emotional intelligence, you need to learn it.

** Never ask for perfection

** Learning to balance work and pleasure

** Coping with change

** Be friendly

** Know your strengths and weaknesses

** The ability to motivate oneself

** How to set limits

Focus on the positive

6. Realistic optimism

Thinking positively does not mean the unfair optimism that lives within you in the world of dreams, but rather gives you the ability to challenge and succeed in solving problems and overcoming difficulties in a better way to achieve your goal. Researchers have found that realistic optimism gives you greater happiness and a greater ability to control emotions, unlike pessimism.

Whenever successful people face challenges, they solve the problems they encounter in that challenge through first, second, and third planks, and look for every possible way to achieve

7. They don’t let themselves down

Human beings by nature carry stubbornness within themselves, which makes them suspicious of the future even if they follow the plan and do everything that needs to be done.

Before you make an important decision about your future, think positively about it and don’t be disappointed just because you think that way. In fact, you haven’t tried what you think to find out whether or not it will succeed. Just do what you should do and you will find that God is on your side.

8. Do meditation

Meditation works to relax you and provide you with a sense of relief, which positively affects your mind to give you better sleep, better work and a better way to deal with the problems around you, and that’s what Oprah Winfrei stimulates.

9. They carry a notebook

Successful creative people have their minds working differently, and they often notice many things that can bring them good ideas, and this requires writing them down in a notebook that collects all your thoughts when needed.

10. They know what is most important in their lives.

Creative people are known to work hard and constantly need time to have fun and get away from work in order to fit into the difficult life and to cope with affection with those around them, including friends and family, and to gain new experiences in other areas.

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