6 Signs That You Say You Have A Strong But Sensitive Personality

What comes to mind as a firm belief that the person with a strong personality is one who is fierce, ruthless and insensitive to anything, in short, lacks sensitivity, but you might be surprised if you know that it is possible to a large extent for a person to have both qualities, i.e. that they are strong and in the same way Time is sensitive, and in fact, the strongest people are also the most sensitive people. Here are 6 signs that show that you are this unique type of person with both strength and sensitivity:

These are also signs of a strong but sensitive personality.

1-life sometimes seems full of responsibilities:

You have to attend a conference at a specific time, and you know that after that, you have to go immediately to your work at the restaurant, but not before picking up your little sister at her school, and on top of that, you have a mid-year exam tomorrow, too much, right? Well, some people can be completely overwhelmed under the weight of these responsibilities, while others carry them out without one iota of boredom or even a look of remorse, but a strong and sensitive person will feel both feelings at the same time.

Life can sometimes be difficult because of speed, stress and responsibility.

Strong and sensitive people will easily be crushed under their weight, but we know that this will not be enough to frustrate them, they know that if they fail, they can simply come back and try again.

2-honesty with oneself and with others:

Sometimes social interaction forces us to act wrong to avoid conflict and let the truth flow to the surface, but when powerful and sensitive people encounter it, they will not be afraid of the truth, and in fact, they will not blink an eye when presenting the truth to its owners, they are sensitive to their friends and relatives, but they will know that hiding the truth will not benefit any of their friends or themselves.

3- You need meaningful relationships:

You are tired of blind dates, you wear the best clothes, you talk politely and politely, it means you are becoming someone else, waiting to reveal your true personality over time, you want to be honest with your thoughts and feelings, you don’t want to have meaningless conversations just because you find comfort in talking.

Strong and sensitive people don’t like solitude, but they know that they have to stay strong enough and wait if they want to find someone to enjoy their company and can’t accept anything less.

4- Self-respect and respect for others:

The strong and sensitive person knows exactly what they want from others, and they are also strong enough to know that they will not accept less than they want even if it is at the expense of what makes them brutal at the risk of confrontation, and of course, such a person will not expect this to happen. For what he does not give.

If you are a strong and sensitive person, the thought guides you that you only give to others what you expect from them, and this comes from the fact that you have great respect for yourself and those around you.

5- Strong and sensitive people are good listeners:

If you talk to a friend and you notice a strange tone in his voice and you see something strange in his facial expressions, then with your delicate sense, you realize that something is wrong, the listening process ends simply by listening to the words of the other party, but it also includes reading his tone of voice and his mood so that you can read between the lines.

Your sensitive sense allows you to emotionally control various situations, while your strong personality gives you the ability to control your emotions such as crying and screaming, this sensitivity allows you to integrate yourself into various situations with sufficient strength while keeping your composure, and makes you a stable and comfortable person, and this Truly a unique character she possesses.

6- Bad decisions that weigh on you:

Have you ever made decisions that you thought were wrong or abusive and turned them over in your mind over and over again, reversing all possibilities, trying to guess what you would have done differently? Well, it makes sense that if you were a very sensitive person, you would consider all the possible consequences.

However, as a strong person, you realize that all this will pass, and that is absolutely no reason to stop your efforts in the future and in any case, it will help you improve your decisions in the future and you will learn a lot and a lot from every bad decision you make.

Being a strong person with a delicate sensibility means that you really are a rare quality.

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