Benefits Of Chia Seeds For Breastfeeding Mothers

Benefits Of Chia Seeds For Breastfeeding Mothers

What are the benefits of chia seeds for breastfeeding women and why should you eat them occasionally while breastfeeding? Having children always involves many responsibilities, and as a breastfeeding woman, you need to take into account the nutritional elements that you consume on a daily basis and that you get from food. Of all the foods you may have heard about while breastfeeding, you may be wondering whether or not eating chia seeds while breastfeeding will improve breast milk production, and whether or not this will affect the child’s breastfeeding. Therefore, through this article, we will shed light on the benefits of chia seeds for breastfeeding women.

What are chia seeds?

The shea plant belongs to the mint family and grows in the desert region of southern Mexico. Chia seeds contain a high amount of fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Before the Colombian diet, chia seeds were considered an essential part of the daily diet. Due to the fact that they contain important nutrients, their consumption is considered safe for breastfeeding women, but it is important to consult a doctor before starting to take them.

The nutritional value of chia seeds

Chia seeds contain 486 calories per hundred grams and 138 calories for every ounce of chia seeds. It also contains 6 percent water, 46 percent carbohydrates (and 83 percent of those carbohydrates are fiber), 34 percent fat and 19 percent protein. Each hundred grams of chia seeds contains:

    Calories: Chia seeds contain 486 calories.

    Water: Chia seeds contain about six percent of their weight in water.

    Protein: It contains 16.5 grams of protein.

    Carbohydrates: Chia seeds contain 42.1 grams of carbohydrates.

    Fiber: Contains 34.4 grams of fiber.

    Fat: It contains 30.7 grams of fat.

    Saturated fat: Contains 3.33 grams of saturated fat.

    Monounsaturated fat: contains 2.31 grams.

    Polyunsaturated fat: contains 23.67 grams.

    Omega-3 fatty acid: Chia seeds contain 17.83 grams.

    Omega 6: contains 5,86 grams.

Is it safe to eat chia seeds while breastfeeding?

We can eat nutrient-rich chia seeds during breastfeeding because chia seeds are 100% organic grains and contain healthy nutrients and minerals that can improve breast milk production and help feed your baby. Similarly, when it comes to nutritious food for a breastfeeding mother, chia seeds are an excellent nutritional supplement that contains a large amount of vitamins. And natural foods can have no risk or side effects on your health or that of your child.

Benefits of chia seeds for breastfeeding mothers

Chia seeds are a rich source of calcium, oily fats, fiber, protein, vitamins and antioxidants. These nutrients help in the proper development of your baby’s mind and also improve the rate of breast milk production in a natural way. Here are some of the positive benefits of eating chia seeds while breastfeeding:

Chia seeds and protein:

Protein is the building blocks of healthy new tissues and cells, and you need to eat an adequate amount of chia seeds during the breastfeeding period as they contribute to the healthy development of your baby’s organs and cells. In addition, protein plays an important role in the repair of damaged cells. And chia seeds contain easily digestible vegetable protein. Eating plant proteins helps produce less toxic waste in the body than animal proteins. And during pregnancy, you can eat vegetable protein to rid your body of unwanted toxins.

The essential fatty acids of chia seeds:

Omega-3 fatty acids play an essential role in the healthy development of a child’s immune and nervous systems. They also contribute to the healthy development of your child’s brain. Taking one to two tablespoons of chia seeds on a regular basis can make a big difference in your life and contribute to your child’s growth. Smart. In addition, eating chia seeds helps regulate blood cholesterol levels and get rid of excess weight and inflammatory problems in the body.

Fibers and chia seeds:

Eating one teaspoon of chia seeds provides you with one third of your daily requirement of the recommended daily amount of dietary fiber for the body. Fiber helps regulate the health of the digestive system and can help overcome problems of constipation or upset stomach syndrome (IBS).

Chia seeds and calcium:

Our bodies need an adequate amount of calcium for the healthy development and formation of a child’s bones and teeth, as well as to improve a child’s neurological functions.

The minerals in chia seeds:

Chia seeds contain some of the healthiest minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. Eating healthy minerals while breastfeeding can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. Minerals help increase the rate of metabolism and help you achieve a healthy body weight after birth .

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