BBQ Turnovers


  • 1 1/4 c bbq sauce (little less or more to your taste)
  • 2 lb hamburger meat
  • chopped onion (I used half of one)
  • 3 can(s) biscuits
  • 1 pkg sandwich Velveeta cheese slices cut in fours for each slice
  • 4-5 Tbsp brown sugar, to your taste
  • flour to roll biscuits out on


1. Brown ground beef and onions together and drain.
2. Add bbq sauce and brown sugar to beef mixture.
3. Stir really well.
4. While meat is cooking take biscuits and a little flour and roll out biscuits to form circles (not too thin).
5. Then put a tablespoon of beef on them and then a little square of Velveeta slice.
6. Fold biscuit over to make a turnover. Then take fork dipped in water and go along the edges to close. Lay on cookie sheet that has been sprayed with Pam or lined with parchment paper.
7. Cook in 325 oven that has been preheated for 12-15 minutes until a light golden brown!! This made 30 turnovers, with some left to make a sandwich for my son. They are even better the next day heated in the microwave.
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