How To Activate Your Mind And Restore Your Energy

Everybody wants to have a restart button in the brain to get rid of all that is overloaded with thinking to restart and restore energy, and although the restart button is not physical, you can activate your mind and restore your energy well without the physical button.

1. Walk outside:

When you sit, the body takes a resting position, and when you start to move, it helps the body to wake up because the mitochondria – a part of the cell – help to replenish the energy inside the cell. When you walk several times a week, it helps to double the size of the mitochondria, which means more energy in the body’s cells, and the combination of energy, fresh air, exercise and blood flow as it enters the brain can increase your clarity of thought and level of concentration.

If you can’t solve a problem and can’t think straight, you should get up and walk around a bit, even at home or at the office, to stretch your muscles and regain your energy.

2. Have a cup of water:

When people are busy at work or in front of the television, they usually forget to drink water, which causes dehydration of the body and reduces brain capacity. Therefore, you should continue to eat at least 8 cups of water a day and you can add a mint, lemon, orange or Option

3. Smell lemon oil:

Put a bottle of lemon oil next to your desk and when you inhale it, the lemon will give you a feeling of freshness and renewal and will stimulate your nervous system because the extracts of rosemary and lavender do the same job.

4. Eat healthy foods:

You can eat something to keep your blood sugar levels up and when you are a little hungry, you can eat a snack that strengthens brain function so that you are a victim like vegetables, fruits or nuts.

The snack should contain carbohydrates and protein, and it should not contain a lot of sugar because its effect is temporary so that it gives you a lot of activity for a short period of time after which you suffer from a lot of laziness.

5. Take a nap:

Naps of at least 90 minutes can turn your body back on, according to the US National Sleep Institute. Some people make them feel lazier, so if you suffer from laziness after a nap, don’t sleep.

6. Stand up in the sun:

Sunlight has the magical effect of reducing the sleep hormone in the body and restoring brain activity. It also stimulates the nervous system and causes the body to secrete the happiness hormone, so it is important to sit in a well-lit area when working.

7. Play music that you like while singing along: because music releases dopamine, which is one of the nerve stimuli that increases passion.

8. Take a cold shower: it doesn’t need any explanation, it’s terrible, but it usually works.

9. Mind games:

Play electronic games that stimulate the mind, including many applications and websites that work for this offer, including free and other non

10. Breathe deeply:

The brain needs a lot of oxygen, so practicing breathing exercises can help the brain to become active again and is best done outside of the workplace or at home.

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